"Promote your web site with high pagerank one way text link advertisements. You can buy or sell text link advertisements at LinkAdage Auctions - an online auction site that is built to help you find the links or link buyers you need."
But I think that it's worth emphasizing that you can - today - start selling ad space on your site and even purchase low-cost links on other sites.
For the most part, LinkAdage is focused on people who are into pagerank,so if you have a site that has a PR0 and a fair bit of traffic, you'll have a harder time selling ad space than if you have a PR5 and almost zero traffic.
Pleasantly, LinkAdage also has an affiliate program that you can sign up for, through an affiliate management company called shareasale.com. But the easiest way to sign up is to go to LinkAdage then click on the "Affiliate Program" choice on the LinkAdage Info menu along the top.
I can't really share specific ad sales figures with you, but if you check out my Casino Books Web site, all of the adverts in the right-side box were sold through LinkAdage, and they are all sold for a three-month period with no guarantee of any clicks or traffic. Just pagerank.
So if you have a nice Web site, have good pagerank, and would like to explore the possibility of selling your own ad space without having to fuss with finding buyers, LinkAdage could be an excellent solution for you.
But I think that it's worth emphasizing that you can - today - start selling ad space on your site and even purchase low-cost links on other sites.
For the most part, LinkAdage is focused on people who are into pagerank,so if you have a site that has a PR0 and a fair bit of traffic, you'll have a harder time selling ad space than if you have a PR5 and almost zero traffic.
Pleasantly, LinkAdage also has an affiliate program that you can sign up for, through an affiliate management company called shareasale.com. But the easiest way to sign up is to go to LinkAdage then click on the "Affiliate Program" choice on the LinkAdage Info menu along the top.
I can't really share specific ad sales figures with you, but if you check out my Casino Books Web site, all of the adverts in the right-side box were sold through LinkAdage, and they are all sold for a three-month period with no guarantee of any clicks or traffic. Just pagerank.
So if you have a nice Web site, have good pagerank, and would like to explore the possibility of selling your own ad space without having to fuss with finding buyers, LinkAdage could be an excellent solution for you.
Do not use this site, he spams other websites with his sales crap. He does not follow other websites rules
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